Grammar Translator FAQ

1. What is the Grammar Translator?
2. OK, but why would you want to do that?
3. How do I use the Grammar Translator?


What is the Grammar Translator?

The Grammar Translator converts the notation used in the SQL Server Books Online (BOL) to describe the syntax of Transact-SQL statements, to the EBNF notation used by the W3C.


OK, but why would you want to do that?

In order to generate railroad diagrams (also known as syntax diagrams) from the Microsoft grammar. This is done by sending the converted text to Gunther Rademacher's Railroad Diagram Generator.


How do I use the Grammar Translator?

Just paste the command text from BOL (e.g. CREATE TABLE ... TO <partition_number_expression>) into the textbox on the left and then click "Translate". After the text is translated, click "Generate Railroad Diagram".


It will not typically be as simple as that; please see the tutorial for details.